This class provides a working knowledge, resources, and learning techniques for AutoCAD 2011 and 3DS Max 2010. The content presupposes no experience in 3D. However, presentations will be geared to the skill levels of the students. Some background in Adobe Photoshop, and any animation tool(s) is recommended, but not required. Each class session will be a combination of lecture-demo and hands-on exercises. The instructor is available during scheduled studio time to work one-on-one, review projects, and answer questions not discussed in lecture.
At the first class, students will be directed to sign up for the Class Blog (students will be asked to supply an email address; the instructor will then invite them to participate.) This Blog is our means of communicating with each other outside of class. While the instructor is privately available via email; the Blog can serve as an extended classroom, where we can share answers, solutions, and comments.
Students should immediately choose and direct their efforts toward producing two projects, one due at the Mid-Term, and a second Final Project. The projects can be chosen from the list or proposed by student. The final project can be a visualisation of the studio project. The Mid-Term project must be done using AutoCAD 2011, the Final using 3ds MAX 2010.
More experienced students should aim to push their skills. The instructor will work with them on this, even if the content is beyond the scope of the covered material.
First, students must complete a small research on the building in order to get necessary information. (plans, facades, sections). Then write down what you plan to do (script). Then draw a sequence describing what you want to present (storyboard the project). Then build the content. Please consult with the instructor early for advice on the scope and difficulty of your project. Allow at least one week before the due date to render out your project.
Course evaluation is based on the following works:
1. Mid-Term Autocad exam.
2. Mid-Term presentation of the 3d model of a small building in Autocad.
3. Final presentation of the 3d model of a small building rendered in 3ds Max.
4. Visualization of the studio project.